Source code for json_tricks.decoders

from datetime import datetime, date, time, timedelta
from fractions import Fraction
from collections import OrderedDict
from decimal import Decimal
from logging import warning
from json_tricks import NoEnumException, NoPandasException, NoNumpyException
from .utils import ClassInstanceHookBase

class DuplicateJsonKeyException(Exception):
	""" Trying to load a json map which contains duplicate keys, but allow_duplicates is False """

class TricksPairHook(object):
	Hook that converts json maps to the appropriate python type (dict or OrderedDict)
	and then runs any number of hooks on the individual maps.
	def __init__(self, ordered=True, obj_pairs_hooks=None, allow_duplicates=True):
		:param ordered: True if maps should retain their ordering.
		:param obj_pairs_hooks: An iterable of hooks to apply to elements.
		self.map_type = OrderedDict
		if not ordered:
			self.map_type = dict
		self.obj_pairs_hooks = []
		if obj_pairs_hooks:
			self.obj_pairs_hooks = list(obj_pairs_hooks)
		self.allow_duplicates = allow_duplicates

	def __call__(self, pairs):
		if not self.allow_duplicates:
			known = set()
			for key, value in pairs:
				if key in known:
					raise DuplicateJsonKeyException(('Trying to load a json map which contains a' +
						' duplicate key "{0:}" (but allow_duplicates is False)').format(key))
		map = self.map_type(pairs)
		for hook in self.obj_pairs_hooks:
			map = hook(map)
		return map

[docs]def json_date_time_hook(dct): """ Return an encoded date, time, datetime or timedelta to it's python representation, including optional timezone. :param dct: (dict) json encoded date, time, datetime or timedelta :return: (date/time/datetime/timedelta obj) python representation of the above """ def get_tz(dct): if not 'tzinfo' in dct: return None try: import pytz except ImportError as err: raise ImportError(('Tried to load a json object which has a timezone-aware (date)time. ' 'However, `pytz` could not be imported, so the object could not be loaded. ' 'Error: {0:}').format(str(err))) return pytz.timezone(dct['tzinfo']) if not isinstance(dct, dict): return dct if '__date__' in dct: return date(year=dct.get('year', 0), month=dct.get('month', 0), day=dct.get('day', 0)) elif '__time__' in dct: tzinfo = get_tz(dct) return time(hour=dct.get('hour', 0), minute=dct.get('minute', 0), second=dct.get('second', 0), microsecond=dct.get('microsecond', 0), tzinfo=tzinfo) elif '__datetime__' in dct: tzinfo = get_tz(dct) dt = datetime(year=dct.get('year', 0), month=dct.get('month', 0), day=dct.get('day', 0), hour=dct.get('hour', 0), minute=dct.get('minute', 0), second=dct.get('second', 0), microsecond=dct.get('microsecond', 0)) if tzinfo is None: return dt return tzinfo.localize(dt) elif '__timedelta__' in dct: return timedelta(days=dct.get('days', 0), seconds=dct.get('seconds', 0), microseconds=dct.get('microseconds', 0)) return dct
def json_complex_hook(dct): """ Return an encoded complex number to it's python representation. :param dct: (dict) json encoded complex number (__complex__) :return: python complex number """ if not isinstance(dct, dict): return dct if not '__complex__' in dct: return dct parts = dct['__complex__'] assert len(parts) == 2 return parts[0] + parts[1] * 1j def numeric_types_hook(dct): if not isinstance(dct, dict): return dct if '__decimal__' in dct: return Decimal(dct['__decimal__']) if '__fraction__' in dct: return Fraction(numerator=dct['numerator'], denominator=dct['denominator']) return dct def noenum_hook(dct): if isinstance(dct, dict) and '__enum__' in dct: raise NoEnumException(('Trying to decode a map which appears to represent a enum ' 'data structure, but enum support is not enabled, perhaps it is not installed.')) return dct
[docs]class EnumInstanceHook(ClassInstanceHookBase): """ This hook tries to convert json encoded by enum_instance_encode back to it's original instance. It only works if the environment is the same, e.g. the enum is similarly importable and hasn't changed. """ def __call__(self, dct): if not isinstance(dct, dict): return dct if '__enum__' not in dct: return dct mod, name = dct['__enum__']['__enum_instance_type__'] Cls = self.get_cls_from_instance_type(mod, name) return Cls[dct['__enum__']['name']]
[docs]class ClassInstanceHook(ClassInstanceHookBase): """ This hook tries to convert json encoded by class_instance_encoder back to it's original instance. It only works if the environment is the same, e.g. the class is similarly importable and hasn't changed. """ def __call__(self, dct): if not isinstance(dct, dict): return dct if '__instance_type__' not in dct: return dct mod, name = dct['__instance_type__'] Cls = self.get_cls_from_instance_type(mod, name) try: obj = Cls.__new__(Cls) except TypeError: raise TypeError(('problem while decoding instance of "{0:s}"; this instance has a special ' '__new__ method and can\'t be restored').format(name)) if hasattr(obj, '__json_decode__'): properties = {} if 'slots' in dct: properties.update(dct['slots']) if 'attributes' in dct: properties.update(dct['attributes']) obj.__json_decode__(**properties) else: if 'slots' in dct: for slot,value in dct['slots'].items(): setattr(obj, slot, value) if 'attributes' in dct: obj.__dict__ = dict(dct['attributes']) return obj
def json_set_hook(dct): """ Return an encoded set to it's python representation. """ if not isinstance(dct, dict): return dct if '__set__' not in dct: return dct return set((tuple(item) if isinstance(item, list) else item) for item in dct['__set__']) def pandas_hook(dct): if not isinstance(dct, dict): return dct if '__pandas_dataframe__' not in dct and '__pandas_series__' not in dct: return dct # todo: this is experimental if not getattr(pandas_hook, '_warned', False): pandas_hook._warned = True warning('Pandas loading support in json-tricks is experimental and may change in future versions.') if '__pandas_dataframe__' in dct: try: from pandas import DataFrame except ImportError: raise NoPandasException('Trying to decode a map which appears to repr esent a pandas data structure, but pandas appears not to be installed.') from numpy import dtype, array meta = dct.pop('__pandas_dataframe__') indx = dct.pop('index') if 'index' in dct else None dtypes = dict((colname, dtype(tp)) for colname, tp in zip(meta['column_order'], meta['types'])) data = OrderedDict() for name, col in dct.items(): data[name] = array(col, dtype=dtypes[name]) return DataFrame( data=data, index=indx, columns=meta['column_order'], # mixed `dtypes` argument not supported, so use duct of numpy arrays ) elif '__pandas_series__' in dct: from pandas import Series from numpy import dtype, array meta = dct.pop('__pandas_series__') indx = dct.pop('index') if 'index' in dct else None return Series( data=dct['data'], index=indx, name=meta['name'], dtype=dtype(meta['type']), ) return dct # impossible def nopandas_hook(dct): if isinstance(dct, dict) and ('__pandas_dataframe__' in dct or '__pandas_series__' in dct): raise NoPandasException(('Trying to decode a map which appears to represent a pandas ' 'data structure, but pandas support is not enabled, perhaps it is not installed.')) return dct
[docs]def json_numpy_obj_hook(dct): """ Replace any numpy arrays previously encoded by NumpyEncoder to their proper shape, data type and data. :param dct: (dict) json encoded ndarray :return: (ndarray) if input was an encoded ndarray """ if not isinstance(dct, dict): return dct if not '__ndarray__' in dct: return dct try: from numpy import asarray import numpy as nptypes except ImportError: raise NoNumpyException('Trying to decode a map which appears to represent a numpy ' 'array, but numpy appears not to be installed.') order = 'A' if 'Corder' in dct: order = 'C' if dct['Corder'] else 'F' if dct['shape']: return asarray(dct['__ndarray__'], dtype=dct['dtype'], order=order) else: dtype = getattr(nptypes, dct['dtype']) return dtype(dct['__ndarray__'])
def json_nonumpy_obj_hook(dct): """ This hook has no effect except to check if you're trying to decode numpy arrays without support, and give you a useful message. """ if isinstance(dct, dict) and '__ndarray__' in dct: raise NoNumpyException(('Trying to decode a map which appears to represent a numpy array, ' 'but numpy support is not enabled, perhaps it is not installed.')) return dct